![](images/patches/thumbs/AAF8_small.jpg) 10th AAF "Airborne" (Dave Kaufman) | ![](images/thumbs/11th_small.jpg) 11th AAF | ![](images/thumbs/12th_small.jpg) 12th AAF Great added border! | ![](images/patches/thumbs/13th_small.jpg) 13th AAF |
![](images/patches/thumbs/14themb_small.jpg) 14th AAF | ![](images/patches/thumbs/14thft_small.jpg) 14th AAF Theater made bullion 14th reversed! | ![](images/thumbs/15th_small.jpg) 15th AAF | ![](images/thumbs/15themade_small.jpg) 15th AAF Theater made |
![](images/thumbs/15thfelt_small.jpg) 15th AAF on Felt | ![](images/thumbs/15thbull1_small.jpg) 15th AAF Bullion | ![](images/thumbs/15thbull2_small.jpg) 15th AAF Bullion Attributed to Frank Demjen 450th Bomb Group, 720th Squadron | ![](images/thumbs/15themade2_small.jpg) 15th AAF Theater made Attributed to Frank Demjen 450th Bomb Group, 720th Squadron |
![](images/thumbs/16th_small.jpg) 16th AAF RARE "Movie" patch made for the 1949 (released 1957) John Wayne movie :"Jet Pilot" This is a real one from the studio! | ![](images/patches/thumbs/20themb_small.jpg) 20th AAF | ![](images/patches/thumbs/20thft_small.jpg) Pair of theater made 20th Air Force - silk backs Attributed to Lt Col. Miles Kracman | ![](images/patches/thumbs/contaircmd_small.jpg) Continental Air Command |
![](images/patches/thumbs/aviengie_small.jpg) Aviation Engineers | ![](images/patches/thumbs/AAF3_small.jpg) Aviation Engineers 872nd Battalion (Dave Kaufman) | ![](images/patches/thumbs/aircomsys_small.jpg) Army Airways Communication Systems on felt | ![](images/patches/thumbs/airbornetroop_small.jpg) English Made (Black Back) Airborne Troop Carrier on felt |
![](images/patches/thumbs/aaf9ecabtab1_small.jpg) 9th Air Force Airborne Aviation Engineers | ![](images/patches/thumbs/ixengie_small.jpg) 9th Air Force Aviation Engineers | ![](images/thumbs/9thengiefelt_small.jpg) 9th Air Force Aviation Engineers on felt | ![](images/patches/thumbs/alaska_small.jpg) Alaska Air Command |
![](images/patches/thumbs/rotc_small.jpg) Air ROTC | ![](images/patches/thumbs/airU_small.jpg) Air University | ![](images/patches/thumbs/cadblk_small.jpg) AAF Cadet Black | ![](images/patches/thumbs/cadblue_small.jpg) AAF Cadet Black |
![](images/patches/thumbs/capcad_small.jpg) CAP Cadet | ![](images/patches/thumbs/capill_small.jpg) Illinois CAP on twill | ![](images/patches/thumbs/adc_small.jpg) Alaska Defense Command (Early) | ![](images/patches/thumbs/consolfront_small.jpg) Consolidated Aircraft Tech Rep on felt |
![](images/patches/thumbs/AAF9_small.jpg) Army Air Forces Radio Station -Atlantic City, NJ (Dave Kaufman) | ![](images/patches/thumbs/AAF6_small.jpg) The 848th Signal Training Battalion, composed of men who had been "washed out" as Flying Cadets, adopted an insignia with a pair of wings being snipped by a scissors, and the words, "Thou Shalt Not Fly." | ![](images/patches/thumbs/AAF1_small.jpg) 24th AAFGTD (Glider Training) (Dave Kaufman) | ![](images/thumbs/jacketpatch_small.jpg) USAAF Jacket Patch |
![](images/thumbs/uswithbrits_small.jpg) US serving with the Brits | ![](images/patches/thumbs/usstaf_small.jpg) USSTAF | ![](images/thumbs/usstaffelt_small.jpg) USSTAF on felt | ![](images/thumbs/usstafrev_small.jpg) USSTAF reversed |
![](images/patches/thumbs/navy1_small.jpg) Navy V-5 Program Greenback Patch | ![](images/thumbs/daf_small.jpg) Desert Air Force | ![](images/thumbs/dafbullion_small.jpg) Desert Air Force | ![](images/thumbs/combatcrew_small.jpg) Combat Crew |
![](images/thumbs/techrep_small.jpg) US TECH REP | ![](images/patches/thumbs/atsce_small.jpg) Air Technical Service Command in Europe | ![](images/thumbs/capital_small.jpg) | ![](images/patches/thumbs/31st-patch_small.jpg) 31st Recon. Squadron (post war) |
![](images/thumbs/etobullion_small.jpg) ETO COM Z -Bullion | ![](images/thumbs/specrates_small.jpg) Specialist Rates | ![](images/thumbs/atcground_small.jpg) ATC |